So, you think homeschooling may be best for your child.

We think you're right!

There are lots of curriculum options for homeschooled kids, but T.E.A.C.H. is all about supporting parents! We can help you get up to speed fast and homeschool like a pro. There has never been a more critical time - your children deserve the best, and so do you!

We Have 3 Levels of Help Available:

G.A.P. Curriculum

The G.A.P. is a 30-day curriculum designed for parents who need to withdraw their child fast and start homeschooling immediately. There are four G.A.P. curriculum options covering all subject areas and grade levels. There are no additional materials to purchase. You can download, print, and start homeschooling immediately.

20 minutes from now, you could be homeschooling!


Homeschool Success Blueprint

Homeschool Success Blueprint is a 6-module video course designed for parents. This course will fully equip you with the legal knowledge, teaching methods, mindset and organizational tools you need to homeschool brilliantly! We will help you make it the adventure of a lifetime.



Sometimes you have a complicated problem... When you really need a personalized solution, we're here for you with one-on-one professional coaching. Whether it's a curricular conundrum or a behavioral blowout, don't worry, we've got your back!


America’s Public Schools Are Destroying Your Children’s Future!

Your child’s education is important to you.
You need to read this.

What do you think the world would be like without these people?

Thomas Edison............Lewis Carroll

Albert Einstein............Laura Ingalls Wilder

J.R.R. Tolkien............Florence Nightingale

Ansel Adams............Agatha Christie

Tim Tebow............Serena Williams

Robert Frost............Ryan Gosling

Alexander Graham Bell............Mozart

Leonardo Da Vinci............Michelle Kwan

Condoleeza Rice............At least 7 U.S. Presidents

Do you know what all these amazing people have in common?

They were all homeschooled!

Let's debunk some homeschooling myths:

Myth #1: Homeschooled kids can't get into college without a GED.


Not only can they get in, they are highly valued by colleges and universities because it is well known that homeschooled students get better grades, finish their degrees, and don't cause disciplinary issues on campus! No GED required.

Myth #2: Homeschooled students can't play college or pro sports.


Just ask Tim Tebow, Serena Williams, or Michelle Kwan. Colleges and organizations like the NCAA are fully prepared to work with homeschoolers.

Myth #3: Homeschooled children are "not properly socialized."


Consider this: In a public school environment, children spend the entire day confined to their chairs and in the company of their teacher and 20 or so others of exactly the same age. How does this prepare them to interact on their own initiative with people of all ages out in the real world? Would you rather your child pattern his social habits after carefully chosen, responsible adults - or a roomful of randomly selected children? Would you rather build your own family culture or send your children to be absorbed into a government-defined culture?

Myth #4: If we take all the "good kids" out of the school system, no one will be there to provide a positive influence on the others.


We don't send little children onto the battlefield, we send trained soldiers. We can not sacrifice children on the front lines of the spiritual battlefield, that's your fight, not your baby's!

"I never thought I could homeschool - I'm a single parent with 6 special needs kids! Nobody in the school system ever took the time to really understand why my kids were having problems. They're happy now and they're learning for the first time in a long time. I can't thank you enough!"

- Brynn C.

Today’s public schools do not provide a quality education for many reasons. Here are a few troubling examples:

  • Public schools, sadly, are pawns in a larger political agenda teaching trendy, politically popular concepts, such as critical race theory, instead of truth and common sense.
  • With large class sizes, public schools cannot allow your child to develop at his own pace – mastery learning is not possible.
  • From one-on-one bullying to guns in the classroom, schools can no longer guarantee a safe environment for our children.
  • U.S. Departments of Education and Justice report the rate of violent crimes per 1,000 students or inmates is actually higher in public schools than in prisons!
  • Cyber bullying has contributed to the highest suicide rate among children the world has ever seen - and it's only getting worse.
  • Even the youngest elementary school children are being encouraged to “choose” which gender they prefer, and may select a new name and decide for themselves which restroom they feel like using—without parents' knowledge or consent.

If this seems good to you for your family, you should discard the rest of this message... but if it scares you, it's time to make the hard decision to homeschool your children.

Don’t be afraid that you can't do it. We know you can, and we are dedicated to helping you make it a great experience for your family.

How do we know homeschooling works? We are a multi-generational homeschooling family of professional educators. We have taught in public and private schools and homeschooled our own children from preschool through high school.

We know the joys as well as the challenges - and we've had great results. Our oldest boy scored 31 on the ACT and was accepted by every college he applied to. He was awarded a $70,000 scholarship and now has his Master’s Degree in Architecture. Our next oldest boy received a full scholarship after taking the university’s in-house exam. He's now finishing his second degree. We have two more children still in high school.

We just couldn't ignore the failings of the public education system. Can you?

Let's face it, choosing public education over homeschooling is like choosing a processed toaster pastry over a homemade pie. It's like taking the bus when you've got a Ferrari sitting in the garage!

Let me share my story with you. It all started when I was a freshman in college... I took a sociology class called "Marriage and Family Studies" and our wonderful old professor, Dr. Claiborne, said we were to write a 10-page term paper. (Now this was before the internet existed, back in the day of the typewriter, back when a 10-page paper was hard work!) When we asked him what the topic should be, he said, "something pertaining to marriage,... or family." UGH! No help at all.


About two weeks later, I heard someone use the term "homeschooling" for the first time. I asked what it meant and my immediate reaction was, "that's the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time." I decided to write my paper on just how detrimental homeschooling must be. I checked out every book the college library had that made any mention of homeschooling; I could barely carry the stack. That night, I read every reference I could find and I knew I was in big trouble. I could not find one negative word about it! Every reference spoke of the benefits and the favorable outcomes. With no time to find another topic, I had no choice but to write a 10-page paper about why homeschooling is a GOOD idea! By the end of the term, I had an A+ in Marriage and Family Studies, and a firm conviction that I had to homeschool my own children one day.

Over the next three decades, I did homeschool my children, k - 12. I found out the military is not necessarily the toughest job you'll ever love - and I did love having my children by my side. I honestly would go back and do it all again in a heartbeat. Just show me the DeLorean and I'm there, Mr. Fusion and all...

I also got a degree in middle school education. I wrote a newspaper column on parenting and children's health. I was president of a terrific homeschool support group with over 100 member families. Everyone pitched in and we were able to have sports teams, co-op classes, graduation ceremonies, field trips, theatrical productions, and summer picnics. It was wonderful! When my children went off to college, I was blessed with a job as principal/administrator of a private Christian school and that was an amazing experience I will never forget. 


In these various roles, I've had the opportunity to work with all kinds of teachers, all kinds of students, and all kinds of parents with all kinds of problems! I've always had a passion for helping others and a love for children and families. Now, in this time of transition and difficulty, I am moved to help families who want to homeschool. That's why I'm here. I want to be sure that every Mom or Dad - or Grandparent - who wants to homeschool has the support they need to do so excellently. 

So let’s look at some solid reasons why homeschooling is a much better road to take.

Public schools have often failed in their struggle to be safe. In the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, 14 students and one teacher were killed--and the shooters were fellow students! Since then, the number of students who have died due to uncontrolled violence on public school campuses in the U. S. has risen to over 300, with an additional list of non-fatal injuries totaling almost 500. The graphic referenced below shows a historical timeline of these events.

The National Center for Education Statistics publishes a graphic which shows the number of school shooting events each year. Between 2000 and 2021, there were anywhere from 11 to 93 events each year in which students were harmed or killed.

When you homeschool, you don’t have to worry about what’s happening to, or around, your child while she is away from you at school. With violence, drugs, social media bullying, and sexual harassment at an all-time high in today’s schools, homeschooling provides an environment that allows her to focus on learning rather than staying safe.

If you are a parent who believes children will be stronger if they have to fight at an early age, then maybe public school is right for you. We believe that children should learn “people skills” from mature, caring individuals – not a large group of minimally supervised children. Homeschooling provides unparalleled opportunities for a diversity of social experiences with people of all ages as well as a healthy forum for discussion in all kinds of encounters, so that when they are old enough to be more independent, your children will handle conflict in intelligent, more peaceful ways.

While public schools must teach generalized courses to the average learner, the quality of the education you provide as a homeschool family can be tailored precisely to your student’s needs, interests, and abilities, including all the standard academic subjects as well as special interests, and with consideration for individual learning styles and special needs. A number of publishers have developed curriculum to provide appropriate courses for all ages and it's all designed specifically to meet the needs of homeschool families. Our program will introduce you to some of the best known of these publishers and help you choose the one that fits your needs and preferences. The flexibility of homeschooling allows you to personalize your child’s education so that it not only meets your state’s basic requirements but also helps your child explore his or her own personal interests.

Some have said that if you are having trouble choosing a career, you should get in touch with who you were at 10 years old--that’s where your true interest lies. If, at age 10, your child likes to write stories or build with Legos or work in the kitchen, perhaps that could give you some direction for what path he will follow to achieve success. As you homeschool, you have opportunities to discover these special interests and pursue them.

Public schools fall short of meeting individual needs. How could they not? Could you truly meet the needs of 25 kids you've never met before? Simultaneously? While all children benefit from homeschooling, special needs children benefit enormously. Does your child have physical or mental limitations? Who understands those needs and limitations better than you do? Learning at home will allow him to be just a student. No more living with the stigma of needing some kind of assistance or special arrangement just to keep up with the others. When her classmates are her siblings, she is spared the pain and distraction of thoughtless classmates who can be very unkind.

If your child is a kinesthetic learner, you can accommodate that at home in so many creative ways. If your child benefits more from verbal learning exercises, you can manage that much better than a teacher who has 24 other children in the room. If your child is gifted in some subject or has a special talent, you can concentrate on that and develop it in ways the public school could never accommodate.

As a concerned parent, you are the ideal teacher for your child. Children do not tackle schoolwork because they believe in the value of education. They really would rather not do it at all, am I right?! As a teacher and a school principal, I can tell you without hesitation that when a child does well in school, he does it to please a key adult in his life. There has to be a strong bond somewhere to drive the process or it's dead in the water. As a teacher, I can tell you, it's rarely possible to create a bond that strong in a public school setting where you have that awesome responsibility for 125 new students and only 45 minutes per day for 9 months to create the relationship and teach the material. Ninety-nine out of one hundred kids who do well are working to please their parents. That's why you ARE your child's best possible teacher. You've already built the bond that drives the entire process. School teachers struggle each year to create what can never be more than a pale imitation of the bond you already have!

Think of what you accomplished before your children were even old enough to go to school:

  • You taught them how to walk, run, throw and catch.
  • You taught them how to get dressed and tie their shoes.
  • You taught them how to laugh and play.
  • You taught them manners.
  • You taught them values.
  • You taught them all the colors and how to count.
  • You taught them to speak an entire language.
  • How many animals and things do they know the names of?
  • Most of all, you've taught them to trust you to keep them safe and give them what they need.
Why would you ever think you weren't qualified to teach your child?

Who wants them to succeed more than you do? You can do this--and we will help you make it a great experience for your family.

Homeschooling will change your family’s life!

Consider a typical school day: your child wakes up early after probably staying up late the night before getting homework done. There's just enough time to grab a doughnut and run down the driveway to meet the school bus. On the hour-long bus ride he realizes he forgot his assignment for science class and will lose points for that. As the bus ride continues, the bully in the back row begins taunting a 4th grader who now regrets having worn her hair in "dog-ears" again. He imitates a dog barking with a loud “WOOF” which prompts the little girl's brother to throw a book at the bully and then the chaos really begins. Your child's stomach churns with anxiety as he shrinks into his seat, hoping not to be blamed by the bus driver, drawn in by the bullies, or targeted as the next victim – and he hasn't even arrived at school yet. He hasn't even started to worry about the playground and lunchroom politics or that teacher he fears just doesn't like him. And he misses you...

If you were homeschooling, your child could enjoy a relaxing evening of family time, and then sleep in an hour or so later, getting the amount of sleep recommended for his age. You could fix a nourishing breakfast, which he could eat at the kitchen table while you enjoy a cup of coffee and you talk about what you'll do today or you read to him from an engaging novel – together. It might be a quiet day at home or maybe you and other homeschooling families are planning a field trip for the day. The focus of his morning is not on who is misbehaving dangerously on the bus or in a school room. It’s on his learning experience in his own safe home with the people he loves.

In this brief description, we have tried to explain some of the benefits of homeschooling over public school. But we saved the best for last. Homeschooling families don’t just learn together, they also grow together. As you teach your children the basic facts of history, science, math and more, and as her understanding of the concepts you introduce grows, she will begin to assimilate this education in the context of her own life and the goals of her immediate family. She won’t be comparing her grades with the girl in the next seat. He won’t worry that his paper on model airplanes might be boring to the rough guy in the next aisle. He will seek and be proud of your approval, and he will appreciate your pride in his successes. Your family will be bonded in ways you never even considered. Ultimately, your child will face opportunities the world may offer with faith and confidence. And isn’t that your ultimate goal? We want to help you make this the best decision you ever made! If you want more for your child, take the big step. We're right here with you every step of the way! We have three levels of support available: The Homeschool Success Blueprint will teach you everything you need to know to homeschool like a pro. The GAP Curriculum will provide everything you need to homeschool your child for 30 days while you finish the Blueprint and select your long-term curriculum with confidence. If you're struggling, we can coach you to success through Homeschool-911 Professional Coaching Services. You can get a closer look at all three using the links below.

Here's how we can help:

G.A.P. Curriculum

The G.A.P. is a 30-day curriculum designed for parents who need to withdraw their child fast and start homeschooling immediately. There are four G.A.P. curriculum options covering all subject areas and grade levels. There are no additional materials to purchase. You can download, print, and start homeschooling immediately.

20 minutes from now, you could be homeschooling!


Homeschool Success Blueprint

Homeschool Success Blueprint is a 6-module video course designed for parents. This course will fully equip you with the legal knowledge, teaching methods, mindset and organizational tools you need to homeschool brilliantly! We will help you make it the adventure of a lifetime.



Sometimes you have a complicated problem... When you really need a personalized solution, we're here for you with one-on-one professional coaching. Whether it's a curricular conundrum or a behavioral blowout, don't worry, we've got your back!